massive yarn sale

Michaels has a CRAZY yarn sale this week. Among other yarns, Patons Classic Wool is $2.50 a skein. Holy sheep, Batman, I am so there. Lion Fisherman’s is supercheep as well. Hot diggity!

This anemic post is brought short to you by Insistent Gleeson Children numbers Five and Six.


In the last 24 hours I have finished knitting a sweater for Beatrice and started one for Gilbert, hung many loads of laundry in the lovely St. Martin’s summer we’re having, homeskooled the Monkeys Six, and baked two loaves of bread.

Golly I love this time of year.

Faith’s First Raglan

Yarn percentages notes. Faith wants a sweater with a pink body and purple sleeves. I’ve thought it out, and it would work to knit pink in the round to the armsceye, then separate front/back, knit it flat up through the raglan decreases, bind off, then pick up the sleeves in purple and knit them down, then pick up the neck in purple and knit it up.

So, we need sleeve yarn and body yarn. I’m thinking of using Knit Picks Comfy.Also, in theory this will be Faith knitting her own sweater. She made her own hat last year. I think there will be knitting fairies who come while she sleeps however.

Sleeves 40% of total
Body 60% of total

Abby and Faith

001, originally uploaded by feebeeglee.

I discovered this sweater in the bottom of a bag of yarn, hiding in my closet. I made it for Abby years ago, and despaired because it was way too big. But the funny thing about children – they keep getting bigger! I had twenty minutes worth of ends to weave in and poof! instant sweater. She likes it, too.

busy, busy

I’ve been so busy! I had several friends encounter trials last week and I was trying in my small way to be a help. Whew. I think today I have a chance to take a breath.


I’m told some of you thought my brief protected post (now gone) was because I’m pregnant. I’M NOT! Besides, don’t you know I am unable to keep any secret like that for longer than it takes to get to the computer from the bathroom. Gee whiz.

I’m working on Christmas knitting. I may get Sean’s sweater done, but I doubt it. However I am finally, after I think 7 tries, delighted with the project as it stands and look forward to knitting it. I kept trying OPP (what are you implying? that means Other People’s Patterns!) but you know me. I am unable to knit anything as written. So once I committed to having to write the whole thing myself, and did it, I am in love.

Gloria says “Mama!” I know that’s not momentous or anything, but she is the first of my many children to say my ‘name’ as her first word. I am besotted. She’s also standing briefly without support, and eating anything she can get her little mitts on.

Trixie is copying anything that Gilbert does, even when it makes no sense. And tells us “No! I NOT BE QUIET! YOU BE QUIET! SHHH!” I think she is the most like me as a child…

Gilbert is between the world of Little and Big. Four is hard on a four year old. His imaginative play and plot development have exploded in the last month or so, but most days he is upset because he feels too big for the littles and too little for the bigs.

Bede is so delightfully flexible these days! Such a change from the boy he was a year ago or so. When things don’t happen like he wants, he either gets upset and gets over it or, and this is huge, thinks of a solution. It is wonderful. We can watch movies as a family on the television now, among other things.

I planned to tell you of the big girls too but Gloria fell down and wants to nurse. Faith and Abby are both well, and I’ll give details later. Ta!